So far in The Maze Runner, Thomas gets trapped in the Maze with Alby and Minho, the leader of the Runners. Minho fights to get Alby back into the Glade after he gets stung by a "dead griever". As they are a few feet away, the doors are closing and Thomas steps into the maze. Thomas helps Alby to a safe place to stay until the doors open again and meets Minho to fight off the grievers that are hungry for their blood. The Council Members agree to promote Thomas to a Runner after his heroic actions and things start to change for Thomas. People are starting to either isolate from him or they look up to him as if he is a God. But more conflicts start to occur with the most important one including Thomas and the unknown girl that is still in the coma. Newt, another leader of the Glade, lets Thomas see her after he earns Newt's trust saving Alby in the Glade. The girl starts talking to Thomas in his head and says that her name is Teresa. Thomas shakes all those weird things off and Newt tells Thomas to let him know anything that he feels because a lot of people are starting to get worried and he doesn't want to Banish him like Ben. Where I am in the book right now is where the sky in the Glade turns a solid light grey. Keep note that the weather was the same in the Glade for two years since they Creators made the Glade. Also, the supplies aren't delivered in the Box which is terrifying for the Gladers. Finally, Teresa talks to Thomas again but this time saying "The Maze is a Code, Tom. The Maze is a Code." right before she is about to wake up.
Since I have not finished the book, I haven't met the climax yet but I feel like things are starting to unravel and I am about to hit it. I think that the climax will be when Thomas actually talks to Teresa (if that's her name) personally when she wakes up. Teresa will probably take Thomas out into the maze and show him the exit and take him to the creators. I think this will occur because when Teresa was in a coma, she kept talking to Thomas about them two finally ending it all and showing him everything. Its creepy stuff, what the Creators do which is why in my last post I connected this book to Divergent because they are insanely alike.
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