Nike Article
The argument in the article about the Nike sweatshops in Indonesia is about the owners mistreating their employees unfairly. These unfair treatments are things such as paying their workers only $1.25 which enough for food everyday and an 8x8 apartment, but it is not enough for basic life necessities like soap, toothpaste, and clothes. Furthermore, Nike owners are physically and mentally abusing their employees as well as not paying them overtime. Finally, Nike is polluting harsh fumes that threaten the lives of their employees. I think that we should interview famous athletes that have endorsement deals with Nike to see what they have to say about this awfully terrifying issue. Also, the employees should form as one and create a Union to stand up for their human rights that are being stripped from them. One thing I found surprising was the physical and mental beatings. I purchase a lot of Nike products and so does a bunch of other people. The one thing that everybody can do is go on strike but the economy would collapse because Nike is a big deal in our world. This is one of those situations that is hard to find a solution to.
Sweatshop Poem
The argument in The Sweatshop poem is that the narrator is a machine operator who goes through many obstacles to take care of herself and stay alive. The narrator describes the feeling of being a machine operator as forgetting who he/she is and the feeling of being a human vanishes while the feeling of becoming a slave replacing the human feeling. This is different from the poem because in the article there is no detail of how the workers feel. There is no feeling or connection that you get when you read the article just talking about what took place and what human rights were broken. In this poem you actually get a feeling of perseverance you feel for the narrator that makes the story more and more interesting.
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