Friday, November 14, 2014

The Maze Runner (Quarter 2 - Assignment 4)


From where I previously left off in The Maze Runner, Thomas was now face to face with Teresa. She tells Thomas that from her coma, her dreams told her that before the Maze they were both friends. Also, she reveals a creepy writing in pen that she did to herself during the coma that reads WICKED is good. As more tragedy occurs, the impossible happens. The doors from the maze stay open for the night! All of a sudden, Gally, the boy who is rivals with Thomas, returns from escaping into the Maze anonymously with his clothes ripped and becomes insane. He yells out that the grievers would take one person every day until there are no more Gladers left. Thomas then realizes that the maps from the Maze that each Runner made, created a code. Eventually, Teresa, Newt, and Thomas find out that all the maps made six words: FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, DEATH, STIFF, PUSH. Teresa said that the words were in order from what they thought they went but they never found anything. Because of this, Thomas had the idea of getting stung by a griever so that he could go through the Changing (AKA the coma that Teresa went through) so that Thomas could gather memories to gain a clue for the six words that were unveiled. 

Aha-Moment/Again and Again

The Aha-Moment in my story is when Thomas and Teresa had the conversation about the Maze being a code. Also, another moment was when Newt, Thomas, and Teresa were figuring out the six words even though they were discouraged. Furthermore, this set the chain event of Thomas having the reckless, but brilliant idea to go through the changing to get a clue of the six words to find a way out of the maze. The Again and Again in my book is something that Minho, leader of the Runners, and Thomas found in the Maze on a wall twice that read: WORLD IN CATASTROPHE---KILLZONE EXPERIMENT DEPARTMENT. I think this saying means that all the Gladers are just in an experiement for the Creators because of all the clues that are in the story like: The Creators, Its where they watch us, They give us supplies to stay alive. It all adds up, but the only thing that doesn't seem to add up is the code for the Maze. Which is about to revealed (I think) once Thomas comes out of the Changing.

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