Wednesday, October 8, 2014



After finishing my first book by Mike Lupica, I have realized that he is a tremendous author. I started reading Heat by Mike Lupica which is a great book so far! The book is introduced by a boy named Ramon who is super fast. He steals a seniors purse because he is poor and eventually gets caught by a police officer. But the catch is, he is hit in the head with a baseball from home plate. Michael Arroyo was the boy with the baseball in his hand when he saw Ramon running across the outfield with the purse in his hands. Michael is a twelve year old boy who throws heat. He is the best pitcher on the Bronx Clippers' pitching staff. His dream is to get to Williamsport, Pennsylvania for the Little League World Series. But the problem is, something weird is going on that I always think about. He can never go outside, and his father is never around. He's living with his brother Carlos but is Carlos telling him the truth about his identity and what's going on?

Point of View

The POV in my story is Third Person Omniscient. Not only does Mike Lupica speak for Michael Arroyo, who is the main character, but he also spoke for Ramon and Mrs. Cora who was the senior who got her purse robbed. I know this because it says, "He didn't want Mr. Minaya or his teammates to see him crying." This section is trying to explain that the character in the story doesn't want his teammates or coach to see him crying. I think I like First Person stories because I feel like the reader gets a more in depth explanation and you get to picture the scene in your mind. I am pretty sure that The Big Field was Third Person but it had a good story!

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